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Before accessing the online guide to Austin Spiritual Directors, you must read and fully accept the following Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement:

The information in this directory is supplied solely by the providers themselves and is not checked or warranted by the Austin Area Spiritual Directors Community (AASDC). Spiritual directors who join ASDC pay specified annual membership dues. They are listed in this guide as part of their membership benefits. Any and all spiritual directors who request to be listed, if they either join AASDC or pay a listing fee, are included. As a general rule, no one is excluded. AASDC does not provide training, certification, or credentials for spiritual directors. ASDC does not pre-screen or evaluate spiritual directors in any way before they are put on the list.




Annette Pearson
Spiritual Director I Workshop & Retreat Leader I Writer

Annette began her training in spiritual direction at FIND, a program of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, and  holds a certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. She facilitates individual and group spiritual direction,  workshops, and retreats, and loves to incorporate in her sessions different contemplative practices and various art forms.  

“It is an honor and privilege to sit beside someone in a spiritual direction session and to prayerfully hold the safe, sacred space that is created when we gather to listen and look for the Spirit’s loving presence in the directee’s life.  Together we explore, try to discern, and express wonder and gratitude for abundant Beauty and Mystery."



Cynthia Lovin
Spiritual Director I MindfulnessI Meditation

Spiritual direction is a gentle exploration of the sacred as it arises through all of life’s circumstances. My role in spiritual direction is that of a respectful listener, companion and facilitator in exploring life’s big questions. I will support you in activating the immense potential you hold for wholeness and creativity, encouraging your embrace of the “path with heart” that is most resonant for you.


My orientation is Rinzai Zen Buddhist. I took lay ordination vows with Boulder Morningstar Zen Center in 2015; my meditation and contemplative prayer practices began in 1988. My perspective is interspiritual  –  nourishing the roots of interior spiritual development common to most faith traditions – and I draw inspiration from poetic, earth-based, Buddhist and Christian mystical paths. I have particular experience companioning those in life transition; developing or renewing a sense of purpose; grieving a loss; navigating serious or terminal illness. I am skilled with Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, gentle hatha yoga (RYT200, 2014) and other body-breath modalities.


Do you want to begin or deepen your contemplative practice? Are established habits ceasing to work for you? Is life bringing you to a place that’s new, unfamiliar, or difficult?​


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 Daphne Levey
Spiritual Director 

In spiritual direction, you and I will use our intuition together to connect to the Divine Energy manifesting or seeking expression in your life, helping the deeper pattern to emerge. Together,
we will tap into Divine Flow, reaching for greater consciousness of the inspiration available, the guidance unfolding.

I have a masters in pastoral ministry from the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest and have been a spiritual director since 2003. My basic orientation is along the lines of mystical Christianity. And, I believe in Mirabai Starr’s idea of the many paths being valid for a person’s spiritual journey. I celebrate the liturgies of the Christian experience and the eight Wiccan sabbats along the Wheel of the Year. I am open to exploring whatever path along which you are drawn into the deeper processes of the Universe. We can explore them together with
confidence and courage.



Elizabeth Ann Gates, M.Ed., M.A.R.
Spiritual Direction, Retreats and Workshops

“The glory of God is the human being fully alive” wrote Irenaeus, an early Christian theologian, and this is a foundational concept for me. When do you feel most fully alive? The joy you feel at these times is God’s way of calling you into relationship and fullness.


Spiritual direction offers you supportive companionship as you seek to connect your story and God’s movement in your life. Through listening and inquiring, Director and Directee give attention to your life with God to help you discern God’s unique call to you.

In addition to providing spiritual direction, I lead workshops and retreats. Often incorporating art and poetry, journaling and other contemplative practices, these programs also focus on your life and your relationship with God.

My training is from the Adelynrood School of Spiritual Direction in Massachusetts. Before that, I earned a Master of Arts in Religion from Seminary of the Southwest and a M.Ed from University of Houston. I am active in lay ministries of the Episcopal Church.

Typically, spiritual direction appointments are 50 minutes at a mutually agreed upon schedule. I meet via Zoom or in person.

I welcome your call or email.


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George Warriner
Spiritual Director

Would you like to share with someone, in complete confidence, about your walk with the Divine? To explore where the Spirit is working in your life? How you may increase your receptivity to the Spirit?

A Spiritual Director or Companion is someone who will walk with you on your spiritual path. The Director or Companion is like a trail guide, who has previously walked the trail but is now a guide for your walk. You must do the walking. The Spiritual Director prayerfully listens to you and to the Divine, and, as you desire, will help you to perceive where God is working in your life.

It is common to meet with a Spiritual Director one on one, for about an hour on a monthly basis. The setting is a quiet space without interruption. It can be done in person or audio/visual conferencing.

I am commissioned as a Spiritual Director by the Episcopal Church, Texas Diocese and a graduate of their three-year FinD program in Spiritual Directing. I am a regular participant and facilitator on the Meditation Chapel which is an interfaith online meditation community; and both an active Stephen Minister and Stephen Leader. I would be glad to discuss Spiritual Direction with you.


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Joni Lorraine (she/her)
Spiritual Director I Facilitator I Educator

A friend has said about me: "Joni is either the most serious fun person I know, or the most fun serious person I know." I'm both humbled and proud to be seen in this light. Serious things can be joyful, and joy can be a serious commitment. I'm dedicated to joy and the flourishing of souls.

After many years of deep interests in many things, I have concluded that I am a creative lifelong learner committed to being relational, self-aware and… joyous. I love spiritual direction, healthcare chaplaincy, spirituality, creativity, social justice, people, and community. I also insist on the Oxford comma. My long-term passions include a love for acting and directing in live theatre, photography, and personal development.

I'm dedicated to bringing my heart and listening into encounters with others in a way that deepens the connection that each of us has to each other and God. I believe this breaks down barriers that might prevent us from our fullest self-expression. When these barriers are removed, we are free to experience a rich wellspring of love and forgiveness for ourselves and others.


Kathleen Ellis
Spiritual Companion I Facilitator 

Kathleen trained with Formation in Direction, a program developed by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, which commissioned her as a Spiritual Director in 2018. Affiliations include Spiritual Directors International, Austin Spiritual Directors Community, and Unitarian Universalist Spiritual Directors Network. She has facilitated spirituality workshops and retreats for church members, religious professionals, and for two groups of women inmates in Marysville, Ohio.

She meets with people in person or online, listening respectfully and witnessing to their unfolding spirituality. Our focus is on their concept of the sacred, how they connect to it, and the mystery beyond all understanding that some of us call God. 

Kathleen was raised Episcopalian and raised two sons as Unitarian Universalists. She graduated from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in 1993. Parish ministry for over 25 years allowed her to accompany others on their spiritual journeys. Now she feels called to offer this companionship to people from all walks of life and many faith traditions.

Marge Piercy wrote, “Every gardener knows that after the digging, after the planting, after the long season of tending and growth, the harvest comes.”

Are you ready to dig into the garden of your own life and spirit?



Liz Stewart
Spiritual Director 

Completed Shalem Institute’s Spiritual Guidance Program in 2013.  Served as board chair for Interfaith Action of Central Texas (iACT) and board of Seton Cove.  Currently serving on Staff-Parish Relations Committee at Saint John’s UMC.  Attended Walk to Emmaus in 1997 and participated in six teams following.  MBA and BA in Government from University of Texas/Austin.  Co-founder of SUSTO MEZCAL.


Spiritual direction is soul-centered and encourages freely surrendering our whole being to God.  It relies on God and opens us to mystery and new ways of being.  In spiritual direction we reflect on why we exist and how to best spend our lives.  We focus on intimacy with God, our prayer life, and our life experiences.  Spiritual direction assumes God creates us whole and graced attention to Spirit will bring healing, reconciliation, awareness, and fullness.  In spiritual direction we look for invitations; and consider sufferings “graced potentials.”


Spiritual direction teaches us to trust alternative ways of knowing self, others and our world.  With spiritual direction we hope to attend to and receive Spirit and truth; and thus become of greater service to the world.  We grow to be more present, willing, free, purpose-filled, peaceful, compassionate, humble, vulnerable, and loving.  

With guidance, we are not striving for “normal”; rather, we seek transformation.  We hope to connect with Spirit and the universal, eternal One.   Spiritual companions are called to care for souls by listening, trusting, receiving, and discerning.
Liz Mann Stewart (on Facebook)


Lynda Young Kaffie
Spiritual Director I Artist

Lynda Young Kaffie is an artist, workshop leader, and spiritual director who finds her vocation at the intersection of art and spirituality. The landscape, contemplative practice and travel inspire her artwork.


Lynda has an MA in Pastoral Ministry from the Seminary of the Southwest and a BFA in art history from Southern Methodist University. She has worked in the private business sector, in state government, as a commercial real estate broker, and as an Adjunct Professor at the Seminary of the Southwest.


Pursuing her interest in Comparative Religions, she has also been trained in the mindfulness-based practices of the Hakomi Method.


A way of understanding spiritual direction:

"The holy work of listening to the presence of the Spirit in the life of another in order to  support and guide them. By listening to their story and being aware of the presence of the Spirit during their meeting, a spiritual director helps the person to re-member and uncover what they already have within them - the wholeness of Creation present in their own heart."



Martha Schreffler
Spiritual Director/Companion

We are each on a spiritual journey that is uniquely our own.  In our secular world, talking about spiritual things and the movement of the Spirit in our lives may not be well received or understood. Having a spiritual companion to walk that path with us can be a wonderful blessing. I consider it a great privilege to be available to listen and support you in this sacred work.


My spiritual direction training was with Formation in Direction, a program developed by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, which commissioned me as a Spiritual Director in 2018. I am drawn to contemplative Christianity and find God through art, music and nature. I welcome both spiritual seekers within established church communities and the “spiritual but not religious”. Members of the LGBTQ+ community will find a welcome with me.​​

St. Julian of Norwich Episcopal Church Spiritual Direction Ministry




Nancy Herlin
Spiritual Director I Facilitator I Retreat Leader

When asked by a friend how she prayed for her, thirteenth-century mystic and teacher Julian of Norwich responded, "I look at God, I look at you, and I keep on looking at God."  Put simply, in spiritual direction we keep on looking at God.

Through this sacred conversation in a confidential, non-judgmental space, we are invited to notice and attend to the deeper movements of the Spirit’s presence in our lives, which then opens us to God’s transforming love and grace. With more awareness of what is deep within, we find ourselves less driven by other’s expectations and our own personality.

Nancy has a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Stillpoint Center for Christian Spirituality with training in eco-spirituality and group spiritual direction. She sees
individuals and groups outside (socially distanced) at her retreat center in southwest Austin or on Zoom. She is also a Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitator and a Stephen Minister. She has lead Bible study groups for over 20 years and currently leads centering prayer and enneagram groups.

She is most alive providing Holy Space for others to listen to God’s voice in their lives and when spending time outside and with her grandchildren.


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Phil Haag
Spiritual Director 

Do you sometimes wish that you could explore your spiritual ideas with someone who does not have any predispositions about what this should look like? If so, you may want to consider engaging a spiritual director/friend who has been trained to deeply listen to your ideas without trying to impose their own ideas on you.


I have a Master of Arts in Spiritual Direction from the Seminary of the Southwest (Austin) and have been a spiritual director for the last several years. Even before then, I was on a spiritual journey for several decades while I practiced law. As such, I have a particular interest in the spiritual lives of professionals and people considering retirement.


In general, spiritual direction, which more accurately might be called spiritual friendship, focuses on actively listening to a person while leaving space for the person to hear the leading of Spirit.


I consider myself to be contemplative who draws upon the wisdom of many religions and psychospiritual systems like the Enneagram and Jungian typologies. All discussions are completely confidential and non-judgmental.


Rates set on a sliding scale.



Regina Moser
Spiritual Companion I Spiritual Director I Listening Heart Yoga Instructor I Facilitator

Regina feels deeply blessed with divine gifts and is called to share her wisdom with others. She trained at the Benedictine Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico, earning her certificate in Spiritual Direction in 2004. Since then, she has been actively involved with Spiritual Directors International and has facilitated workshops on themes such as Listening & Gratefulness and Social Media & Spiritual Directors at the Austin Spiritual Directors Community.

As a Spiritual Director, Yoga Instructor, and Job Search Consultant, Regina is dedicated to supporting others on their spiritual and personal journeys. She believes that creating a space where people can truly be heard transforms moments into sacred experiences. Regina offers Spiritual Direction through online platforms like Zoom, Skype, and Google Hangouts, and also leads small group book reflections via Zoom. Recently, she earned certification to teach "Power Tools for Caregivers" and serves on the Social Media Committee for the Austin Spiritual Directors.

Regina holds a Master’s in Education with a focus on Counseling Psychology, a Bachelor’s in Educational Studies from the University of Missouri Columbia, and an Associate of Arts in Gerontology from Madonna College.

Embracing the wisdom of Julian of Norwich, Regina believes that "All is well, all will be well, and in all manner of things shall be well."




Sarah Henseler (she/her)
Spiritual Director

Spiritual direction is the process by which an individual (or a group), accompanied by a person trained in sacred listening, seeks to discover, recover, or deepen their awareness of the divine presence in their lives. Though each experience is as unique as the lives of those who engage in it, spiritual direction always holds the promise of growth in love, purpose, freedom, and joy.

I am open to working with any person who seeks spiritual direction. My background also equips me to work with those training for, or engaged in professional ministry. I welcome members of the LGBTQ+ community.


I hold and M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, a PhD in Developmental Psychology from the City University of New York Graduate Center, and I'm a graduate of the Find School of Spiritual Direction.


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